How to Write Acknowledgement for Thesis – Top Effective Ideas
Take the most of your PhD thesis acknowledgement with our writing help!

Why Do You Need an Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis?
An acknowledgement is a brief part at the beginning where the author thanks everyone who helped them during the study period. This writing part is the separate section between the abstract and the contents, where you should only express your genuine gratitude. To understand the purpose better, you need to answer three main questions in your acknowledgement for PhD thesis:
- Who do you want to thank?
- What do you want to express?
- What tone are you going to use?

Any PhD project is complex and stretched out over time, so expressing sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported you on your path to your degree makes sense. When writing an acknowledgement for thesis, you must mention everyone (individuals, organizations, etc.) who supported you when working on the studies. It sounds easy, but not when you must turn the blank sheet into grateful words, especially if they’re related to officials and require a formal tone. So, how can you proceed with the acknowledgement? What things should you pay attention to? Let’s figure everything out!
Use the Thesis Acknowledgement Sample as a Reference
Clarifying the writing requirements and defining to whom you want to express your appreciation are the first things you should do before getting started with a thesis acknowledgement. The formatting and content rules always come first as they limit you in volume and number of gratitudes. The standard acknowledgement section should be no longer than one page, where you must place all your personal and professional thanks.
The task is feasible, and the acknowledgements sample for thesis created by qualified PhD writing experts only confirms this. Save the template and refer to it as you review professional recommendations from our thesis writing services and write your own acknowledgements.
In the beginning, I would say thanks to my supervisor Prof._____ to guide me well throughout the research work from title’s selection to finding the results. Their immense knowledge, motivation and patience have given me more power and spirit to excel in the research writing. Conducting the academic study regarding such a difficult topic couldn’t be as simple as he made this for me. He is my mentor and a better advisor for my doctorate study beyond the imagination.
Apart from my Supervisor, I won’t forget to express the gratitude to rest of the team: Dr._____, Prof._____ and Prof.______, for giving the encouragement and sharing insightful suggestions. They all have played a major role in polishing my research writing skills. Their endless guidance is hard to forget throughout my life.
I am also pleased to say thank you to Dr._____, Prof.______ and Dr._____, who made my access simpler to the research facilities and laboratory and gave an opportunity to become part of their team as an intern. It wouldn’t have been possible to conduct this research without their precious support. They all really mean a lot to me.
I would always remember my fellow labmates too for the fun-time we spent together, sleepless nights that gave us the courage to complete tasks before deadlines and for stimulating the discussions. I would also like to thank my friends from _________ University. The man who also supported me well throughout the entire research program is Dr.______. Their immense support actually guided me to rectify numerous things that could create major challenges in the acceptance of my paper.
In the end, I am grateful to my parents, siblings, friends and acquaintances who remembered me in their prayers for the ultimate success. I consider myself nothing without them. They gave me enough moral support, encouragement and motivation to accomplish the personal goals. My two lifelines (parents) have always supported me financially so that I only pay attention to the studies and achieving my objective without any obstacle on the way.
Structure of the Acknowledgements Sample for Thesis
Each acknowledgement section has a simple writing structure that includes a sentence starter, followed by a person or entity mentioned and why you thank them. To make the task easier, find an appropriate thesis acknowledgement sample and use it as a template to compose yours.
To make a PhD thesis acknowledgement concise and professional looking, you can try to prioritize your thanks and list your benefactors alphabetically:
- Start writing the acknowledgement by mentioning the most critical contributors – chairs, supervisors, mentors, etc.
- Next, list other supporters – e.g., advisors, research participants, colleagues, laboratory assistants, librarians, etc.
- Mention funders and providers of financial support you received.
- Conclude with expressing emotions for your personal supporters – family, friends, classmates, etc.
Note that the institution may have preferences about the order, the format, and the layout of the acknowledgement writing for thesis. Most universities prefer to keep acknowledgements strictly professional. However, if you can also place friendly gratitudes, it’s better to put professional acknowledgements first, followed by personal ones. Mention all the people directly involved in the research and work on your project. Still, if you feel that people who inspired you are also important, add them as well.
How to Write Acknowledgement for Thesis While Keeping It Formal
It’s common when we switch to a more informal tone and add emotions to the first-person narrative. But this is inappropriate in writing acknowledgement thesis, which should remain formal. Avoid using informal language and slang. Set priorities and start writing with more formal support, moving to less formal.
When you thank professionals, it’s essential to include everyone who helped you – from suggesting your research topic to the final proofreading or helping with figuring out how to write acknowledgement for thesis.
- Even if your supervisor didn’t help you much, you should still thank this person. Otherwise, it will look like you’re snubbing them, and you can’t let that happen.
- Ensure you write the professionals’ full names and provide their positions. Even if you know them well, the others who read your work are not, so you clarify this information by mentioning their full names and titles.
- If you mention professionals from one institution, list their names in the order required by the prompt for writing acknowledgements thesis (generally alphabetically).
- Remember ethical considerations around anonymized data. If you must save someone’s privacy, write only their name and general identifier.
Separate Mentions in Your PhD Thesis Acknowledgement
To simplify the process, separate everyone you acknowledge into categories: “major gratitudes,” “big gratitudes,” and “minor thanks.” “Major gratitudes” are the people your project would be impossible without. Your advisor, chair, committee, and funders should be in this category used in your acknowledgement thesis.
Those who supported you while working on your project and helped you to grow intellectually belong to the “Big gratitudes” section of the acknowledgement PhD thesis. All your research helpers can belong to that category, as well as classmates, colleagues, laboratory assistants, etc.
All the others mentioned in the PhD thesis acknowledgement sample belong to the “Minor thanks” position of hierarchy. Mention here people who encouraged you and offered moral support – parents, friends, classmates, etc. However, your writing should include only the most influential personalities and organizations due to limited space.
Like the thesis abstract, the acknowledgement should contain only the most essential information. Find samples if you hesitate about what to mention and how to compose the piece. Pick up several different works to see what starters could be used and how authors build sentences to express their thoughts. This will help you create a readable writing structure and keep a smooth and logical narrative.
Let Best PhD Writers Help With Writing Acknowledgement Thesis
As with any other academic paper, there are several options to cope with the acknowledgements. You can try to make it on your own, using ready-made templates and following professional recommendations, or with support from specialists who help writing research proposal and any related papers. What is better is up to you, but consider that the second option can help save precious time you may spend on other parts of your PhD project.
As you can see in the acknowledgement sample for thesis, our writing experts are well-versed in working with such a PhD paper, and they will gladly create another one individually per your requirements. Notably, we make each piece from scratch only without using pre-written content. Only this way we can assure you a perfectly-customized acknowledgement of the highest quality.